Published inBLOCK6Why a CBDC Is Not A Threatening to BitcoinOver the last few decades, man has come to digitize many services and tools: from cash, to communications, to remote working, to delivery…Jun 29, 2022Jun 29, 2022
Published inThe CapitalWhy Bitcoin Mining Is Not PollutingBitcoin was introduced to the world in 2017 and has been the subject of criticism from newspapers, professors, and mainstream media from…Jun 3, 20221Jun 3, 20221
Published inCoinmonksBitcoin: A Revolution for Middle and Lower ClassesInflation and deflation are market phenomena, effects of previous courses of action, which are free from any morality whatsoever. They are…Mar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022
Published inThe CapitalBitcoin & FrankensteinDemocracy is accurately described as “two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for dinner,” but after the lamb is fully digested, the…Feb 6, 2022Feb 6, 2022
Published inThe CapitalFrom soviet monetary socialism to Western monetary socialism, a doomsday loop broken by BitcoinRipple effect is a better term than “Lehman Effect,” because, in this way, the fear behind any financial contagion due to the crash of a…Oct 28, 2021Oct 28, 2021
Published inCrypto Currency HubDraghi, Sound Money and Bitcoin“We want to leave a good planet, not just a good currency” (Mario Draghi, February 17, 2021, first speech by Prime Minister to the Italian…Aug 25, 20211Aug 25, 20211
Published inThe CapitalBitcoin VS. Fiat Money: How to End Boom/Bust Cycles Once and for AllIn a barter economy, imagine Peter the miner that produces X ounces of silver. The reason why he mines silver is because there is a market…Jul 31, 2021Jul 31, 2021
Published inCrypto Currency HubBitcoin And Bottom-up KnowledgeIn 1946, one of Friedrich Hayek’s best works was published, “The Use of Knowledge in Society”, which would then allow him to be awarded…Jan 25, 2021Jan 25, 2021
Published inThe CapitalBitcoin Is Crucial to defend Our Economic FreedomCheck out our new platform 🚀 25, 2020Nov 25, 2020
Published inCrypto Currency HubAs the Recovery Narrative Fades, Bitcoin Is Your Best ChanceThe Eurozone is the true ‘problem-child’ in the global recovery-narrative. It already succumbed to recession in Q4 2019. There are also…Sep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020